Thursday, October 22, 2009

What am I suppose to do for the next half hour of class?????

I finished my test about a half hour ago and started writing ghost stories.


I am also in English [=. I have a freaking awesome teacher but..........I have nothing to do right now because i forgot my book at home, I can't exactly just burst into break dancing in the middle of Finals, and my stories are even giving ME the heeebeeejeebees [=.

I get out of here at 10:5-somethingoranother. But I'm hungry now!!!!!!!! I'm gunna spend my lunch eating while my friends play video games. Thank goodness that my friends can drive. LEAGALLY without an adult. [=

MAYBEBBBBBBBB I'll post my ghost stories more around All Hallows Eve. They're pretty scary. Not like monsters under your bed but more like chills you to the vertebrae kind of scary [= I love it.

20 more minutes to go! uuuuurrrrrrrrrgggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Ghosts and Goblins!

Shellise Ann

1 comment:

  1. I would love to read your Ghost Stories, so please do post them. And next time, don't forget your book!
