Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Tizzy, Prongs, and Padfoot's competition

So one of my all time best friends an. idiot. She fell down today in P.E. pure genius if you ask me, but no one did I know I'll shut up. Anyways some of you know Aishah, and I'm sorry...Just kidding!!! Kinda...I love her!
So I'm still home sick and so is another one of my favoritest people in the world! So Taylor and I have been talking all day cause there's no one else cause we're both stuck at home sick!!!!! We're not happy campers. AND to top it off...we are the center of everyones teasing!!!!! Here's a sample---

Allison Mackay Lloyd
Are you and Taylor having a contest to see who gets hurt the most? I don't know who is winning this contest. You both need to be wrapped in bubble wrap!

Taylor Trujillo
I'm totally winning!!!

Kylie Maglish
lets just remove and burn all of the doors in the world. im sure shelli would enjoy that ;)

Allison Mackay Lloyd
Kylie, they'd both still find something else to run into or trip over or fall down :S (Sorry Taylor and Shellise, but it's true!) I still luv u guys! (Amanda is laughing cause I was saying that I luv u guys)

Kylie Maglish
hmm..... maybe if we wrap them in bubble wrap, put them inside a giant babble, and then bubble wrap the bubble, then we'd only have to worry 65% of the time instead of 90%. but they'd probably figure out a way to get hurt really bad anyways...

Allison Mackay Lloyd
Probably! Amanda said they'd suffocate inside the bubble. Make sure you devise a breathing mechanism.

Claire Spencer Alldredge
Yeh, I haven't seen anyone like Shellise that is so accident prone, especially when it comes to feet. jk Shellise, I love you even if you get hurt. lol.
Sigh I guess we're all getting to use to it anyways.................

So I've been thinking.....

Well that's NEVER a good sign! Or is it possible that the only person I have to talk to is myself? So anyways see this picture????----

I've Been thinking how that nasty bruise got on the TOP of my foot and on the CENTER when really my foot is cut on the side! So I've come up with this theory. I gave myself that bruise when I crutched over my foot in the library after school my first day on crutches!! Brilliant, correct? And yes. I am that talented. Ask Lori, Kaitlyn, Branden, or the ladies in the office! They've witnessed the whole tragic event.

But hooray for my breakfast staying down!! I ate eggs and toast this morning and I'm feeling better!! I'm excited! I WANT to go back to school! Oh! And on an off note! I was on my friend/mom/friend's mom's facebook and she's a nurse and there is this kangaroo for the patients!! They get to play with Oscar the kangaroo for rehab!! It makes me kinda want to be sick!!! It's CRAZY!

Well anyways I'm off to dry my hair!


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

My Hello Kitty Pez despenser.

This is my new best friend. The ONLY food I've been able to keep down for four days, hopefully (!!!!) that'll change today.

I am so tired. My body can't decide whether or not it wants to be warm. So I totally had a day brightner let. me. tell. you.

So even if I didn't like it, it did make me giggle a little bit. I posted the link to my blog on Facebook yesterday and I guess a couple of my friends checked it out, to quote 'hey shelli? thanks for making me feel better. my life doesnt suck that bad after all ;)' nice right?

It's okay though, cause I love Kylie...most of the time (=P)

I've gotta go my Daddy wants the computer to do bills and I'm going go see if I can hold something down!!

Ta-Ta For Now!!
Shellise =]

Monday, September 28, 2009

Is any of this typical?

So in the past two weeks I've had a cold, hung out with Kaitlyn, Branden, Lori, Aaron, Afro (Dom), Robert, 'Mario,' my Grandma Claire, my Grandpa Dwight, Emma, Katie, and others but those are the main, I've gone to Off The Cuff twice, went to Homecoming with Branden, written some stories, and ended up in the hospital twice. I'll be going back in an hour or two.

I went to the hospital the first time for my foot, I got it cut open with a door at homecoming. the good news? It was the last fifteen minutes, so I didn't feel to bad about it.

Looks better in that picture! But I was on crutches for the past week...and as soon as I'm off them....BAM! Strep and possible toncilitis! Whoo-hoo let me tell you! I was in the ER yesterday for three hours. The good news is I slept through the whole visit, mostly! I was on an IV with like five different medications and the swelling in my throat went down so ate a little bit of food. That's all I've eaten for about three days, I am NOT a happy camper.

And to clarify, those masks..PAIN IN THE BUTT! I really hate being sick, but it seems to happen alot. I currently have a headache, my foot hurts, I'm freezing, and I'm starving.

I'm really not looking foreward to having to do homework recovery. I have math today. I'm going to tell you know. I have a bomb teacher but I really don't like Algebra 2.

Mom, Grandma, Valerie, you guys better read this!!

Love later,
